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Learning Opportunities at Brymbo Heritage Trust


The Trust aims to fully realise a significant site of industrial history and preservation, whilst equally committed to recognising and understanding the breadth of learning opportunities within the array of restoration and participative experiences.


The organisation has already attracted considerable levels of volunteer and public interest therefore having the ability to continue to engage, upskill and develop such levels of enthusiasm is considered important to the longer-term future of the Trust.


The Trust has a vision for realising and contributing to the Heritage skills sector, whilst also encouraging participation in the numerous historic, interpretive and community learning experiences.

Whilst the Trust aspires to develop a centre for learning, it will inevitably provide training whilst promoting and sustaining the heritage skills of the Brymbo Heritage area and the industry it served. There will also be many opportunities for nostalgia, reminiscence, and reigniting faith in the site from the community it employed; many of whom still live in the Brymbo and surrounding communities.

Learning in Partnership

The learning community in Wrexham is diverse. The county provides learning opportunities across a spectrum of levels and abilities within adult learning from entry level within informal community settings all the way through to post graduate courses within Wrexham University. Many organisations within Wrexham and the wider area have already been engaged and are all supportive in contributing to the very evident opportunities that exist at the former steelworks site.


Alongside several training partner organisations, Brymbo Heritage Trust has already embarked on developing numerous training opportunities for their existing volunteers to undertake some of the practical work on the site.  This will be further expanded as the formal restoration phases begin and more participative opportunities become clear. The Brymbo Heritage site, alongside its learning/training partners will undoubtedly offer a ‘learning mix’ for the residents of Wrexham and the wider areas, which never forgetting it aspiration vision of developing a heritage skills learning centre. 


Brymbo Heritage Trust currently employ staff members who within their remits have aspects of  learning and training development particularly in terms of volunteer recruitment and development and managing volunteer’s personal development plans. This not only ensures that all levels of volunteer and learning interest are accommodated, but it will also ensure interests will remain commensurate with the wider work the Trust is aiming to achieve.




See our volunteering page for more information on how you can get involved.

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Brymbo Heritage Trust 
Charity Number: 1174269
Brymbo Enterprise Centre,
Unit 3,
Blast Road,

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