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In January 2023 the Trust signed an 'Agreement for Lease' with the landowners Brymbo Developments Ltd for a 25-year lease.


The lease itself will start when a range of conditions have been met. These include returning the project to the point of being fully funded (inflation and delays have caused costs to rise beyond the funding we have secured already), the Trust gaining its necessary planning consents, and the landowners being able to progress their own planning approvals.


The timing of our ability to meet these planning conditions is difficult to predict, given that so much development in Wales is currently being held back by regulations covering phosphate discharges into Special Areas of Conservation. This makes it difficult for us to accurately forecast a full start date.


The area covered by the lease is shown below. The key shows the main components and the lead funding bodies for them.

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Brymbo Heritage Trust 
Charity Number: 1174269
Brymbo Enterprise Centre,
Unit 3,
Blast Road,

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